Spring time at a Havlicek Builder home in Geneva, Illinois.
It almost felt like this Chicago winter weather would never end! Snow flurries in April are not our idea of spring. But now that the weather is warming up, we’ve got spring cleaning on our minds. Here are a couple maintenance items that help your custom home function more efficiently and keep the beautiful appearance:
-Reverse fan direction. Many homeowners change their fan direction in the fall to better circulate the warm air. Spring is the ideal time to reverse fan direction and help cool down the house.
-Service your AC unit. Annual inspection and cleaning from a qualified HVAC contractor will help your unit to function more efficiently and have a longer life.
-Window and screen cleaning and repair. Spring is the perfect time to have windows and screens professionally cleaned due to all the special promotions advertised. It is also an ideal time to inspect windows and repair any broken seals. Winter weather often cracks caulk surrounding windows, leaving them less effective and causing possible damage.
-Seal driveways and repair concrete cracks. These harsh Chicago winters bring extreme temperatures with them that make surface cracks more likely. Preventative sealing of asphalt driveways saves money in the long run by delaying a full replacement.
-Refrigerator/Freezer maintenance. In addition to filter replacements, it is advised to vacuum the coils on the bottom or back of your appliance. When coated with dust, the coils aren’t as efficient and the refrigerator must work harder to maintain cooler temperatures.
-Clean dryer vents. Not all lint is caught in the dryer’s lint trap. Cleaning the dryer vents on a regular basis promotes efficiency and increases safety from possible fires.
-Plumbing repairs and maintenance. From leaky faucets to hard, cracked caulk around bathtubs, there are a lot of spring repairs homeowners can have plumbing professionals fix. Neglecting plumbing issues often lead to larger concerns down the road.
-Irrigation system check. An irrigation specialist will not only turn your system on for the season, but also complete a maintenance analysis.
On the topic of outdoor maintenance, don’t ignore cleaning gutters and trimming overgrowth around HVAC systems.
Spring walkway in Geneva, Illinois. Home by Havlicek Builders.
Spring cleaning and maintenance doesn’t have to be all work. Incorporate a little fun with these outdoor gardening activities that the whole family can enjoy:
-Vegetable garden.
-Herb garden
-Front door planters.
-Birdhouse building and installation.
-Custom stepping stones and garden décor.
What types of spring maintenance do you make sure to complete? What do you look forward to most about spring?